Pictures From Jan-Jul 2023 - It's All About Having Fun!!

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Wednesday 7-24-24 Dance Day, Crafting & Games


We had humid day with the high of 93 degrees.

I've been putting a bowl out on the back porch with nectar in it for the squirrels in order to keep them from knocking the hummingbird feeder off the railing. I still have to fight the squirrels off the rail. Sometimes we see a fox come by and drink the nectar out of the bowl. Three mornings ago I noticed the bowl wasn't on the porch. I looked around and found it in the yard. I put it back on the porch with nectar. The next morning the bowl was gone. I had thought that maybe an animal took it. I replaced the bowl with another one. This morning it was gone. We have a couple of security cameras on the back porch so Larry looked through the recording from last night. He found at 10:40 a fox came on the porch and drank the nectar, a few minutes later it came back and carried the bowl away. Now we know what happened to the bowls. It wasn't the same fox we saw drinking out of the bowl the first time. The first fox didn't have a tail and was a dark color. The one last night had a bushy tail and it's color was lighter. The picture of the fox from last night looked like the one I took a picture of in 2021 under our oak tree.


First fox


Last night fox

I attended three virtual square dances. First was Di Green and Terry McCann's Weekly Plus at 10:00 for an hour. Yesterday, Di sent an e-mail to remind dancers about the dance. In the e-mail she asked people to wear their Tye-dye outfits because it was the Anniversary of the Thy Dye Palooza, which was held back in 2012. There were a lot more zoom dancers and the dance was multi-halls (3), multi-levels (Mainstream, Plus and A2) and multi-callers (10) from UK, Canada, United States, Germany and Sweden. There were over 100 participants.

Today Di and Terry called five tips to 13 participants. Terry and Di wore their Tye-dye outfits, Dawn and Charles from Florida wore their Tye-dye outfits and I wore my Tye-dye shirt and a hat. During the last tip Di called a few four couple calls. They were Relay the Duecey, Spin Chain the Gear and Tea Cup Chain. The moves went smoothly because Di cued the moves. I had a great time.


Di Green in her Tye-Dye


Terry and Di dancing during the dance

My outfit


I continued the theme of wearing Tye-dye during the other two dances.

Second was Ett McAtee's C1 at 1:00 for an hour. She called five tips to 20 participants. She focused on Step & Flip, Cross & Turn and Vertical Tag. It was nice to have Ett back after about two weeks because she was on the road. I had a fun time.  

Third was Dave Eno's C1/A2 at 6:00 for an hour. Karin Rabe and Greg Moore helped Dave call the dance. Dave was at the Canadian Square Dancing Conference last week and had a super time, He called a lot of tips and called other tips with other callers. When he got home he had COVID and tonight his voice was raspy. He also said he was very tried. This was the first time he attended a big square dancing gathering in many years. This is also the first time he had COVID. The format was three C1 tips with 6 participants, three tips of A2 with 7 participants and in between the A2 tips we had a couple of trivia questions. I had a great evening of dancing to Dave, Karin and Greg and with friends.


Get a partner and dance


A few weeks ago Larry bought a used iPad, since then he has used it every day as his primary tablet. While he enjoyed playing with it he decided he liked his Android tablet better. Today he put the iPad and a couple pairs of new water-ski gloves on Ebay. The iPad sold in about an hour.

After lunch we went to the post office and mailed the iPad. On the way home we stopped by Jack 'n' Jill Donuts to buy a couple of donuts for our dessert. When we got back to the house it was time for my second dance.

I did the Daily Challenges of Solitaire and Mahjong. The event was Event: Easy Street of 30 games. It took me 1 hour and 16 seconds, which put me in 19th place in my group. I played some Angry Birds.

I worked out with the Synth Riders for a half hour.

Larry played a little pinball and had a super time. Larry became Grand Champion in Twilight Zone. Congratulations, Honey. Then he moved onto paper crafting. 

I played a few games of pinball. The games were; The Godfather, Queen and Twilight Zone. I didn't get on the board but I had fun.


Twilight Zone

The Godfather


After the last dance we watched a movie on Amazon called The Visitor. It was about immigration. A professor goes to New York and finds a young couple living in his apartment. It was very slow moving and left open at the end. It was good until it didn't go anywhere. Then I watched Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl out of our movies collection. I ended up doing 17,000 steps, which put me in 3rd place in my group.



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