Pictures From Jan-Jul 2023 - It's All About Having Fun!!

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Saturday 7-20-24 Jukebox Project Continues, Games, Puzzle & Empanadas


Having Fun

We had a gorgeous summer day with a lot of sunshine and the high of 95 degrees. 

All of our neighbors were taking advantaged of the afternoon. Jason's rental had the occupants enjoying the swimming pool all afternoon. The neighbor behind us, Chris and family also enjoyed their pool. Jason's son Connor celebrated his 13th birthday at their home. Jason setup a water slide that took up their whole yard on the side. The boys played on it and had a lot of fun. One of the boys threw a football as a couple more boys slid down the slide and tried to catch it. They weren't successful but they had a super time trying. This reminded me of when I was growing up and we had a Wham-O Slip 'n' Slide and the Water Wiggle. It was fun watching them.

Larry continued working on his jukebox build for Eric and Frank. He made new labels for the wires and continued installing the electronics components. He got it powered it up and it works but there are a couple of things not quite right. He did some troubleshooting and found one of the speakers is bad. He also has one button not working correctly and there is a problem with the shutdown process. Tomorrow he will work on it. He and Frank texted about other things in life and their hobbies and then Frank called. They get along really well, Larry really enjoys their phone calls. Frank said not to worry about he speaker, he has boxes full of them.  

Frank's jukebox (yellow)


The components installed



I did the Daily Challenges of Solitaire and Mahjong. The event today was Event: Pyramid Mini of 5 games. It took me 12 minutes and 2 seconds to complete, which put me in 8th place in my group. Then I played Angry Birds. 

I worked out using Synth Riders for an hour. 


Working out

After cooling off I played pinball. I did the weekly challenge of Star Trek and three other games, which were Cactus Canyon, Star Wars and Corvette. I did very well playing pinball. I entered my initials as high score #1 on Corvette. LIFE IS GOOD.


Cactus Canyon



Star Trek

Star Wars


I continued working on my jigsaw puzzle.

For dinner we had empanadas. I was going through the freezer trying to get rid of the food that has been frozen for a long time and I found some empanadas shells. I thawed them out and made empanadas for dinner. I browned hamburger and added barbecue sauce. Then I stuffed the shells. They came out good but probably would have been better with fresher shells. I think my next batch I'll bake at a lower temperature. Maybe this will prevent them from being dry.  

In the evening we watched Addams Family Values on Paramount +. It was made in 1993. Then I watched the original Mary Poppins. I ended up doing 18,000 steps, which put me in 4th place in my group.


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