Pictures From Jan-Jul 2023 - It's All About Having Fun!!

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Monday 7-15-24 Dancing with Di & Terry & Having Fun


Keeping Cool

Can you believe that it's halfway through July? It amazing that here in Belton, Texas we haven't yet hit 100 degrees, some places in the country and globally are hitting record highs. 

We started the day off by attending Di Green and Terry McCann's weekly C1 dance at 9:00 for an hour. Di called the five tips of C1 to 14 participants. Larry danced four of the tips. I'm glad he does because he is a lot of help in keeping me going the right way. Di and Terry also help a lot because they dance with us while they call. We had a super time dancing with friends. It's a great way to start the week and day out.


After the dance I did my housework. I don't do it as often as I should because I just can't motivate myself to do so. I dusted, cleaned the bathrooms, vacuumed the house, washed the kitchen floor and did laundry.

Doing housework

After doing the housework I made lunch. It was easy because we buy premade salads from Walmart. When we finished lunch I worked out with Synth Riders for an hour. 

You wouldn't think it's much of a workout because you stand there and hit balls with your hand controllers. But you do squat, move from side to side and raise and lower your hands. I have been doing the Synth Riders since back in the middle of February. It's a lot of fun because you can choose what songs you want to dance to. Some cost but there are a lot of free songs. Each songs has it's own routine to hit the balls.


Synth Riders 


Larry spent the afternoon reading.

Relaxing with a book

I did the Daily Challenges of Solitaire and Mahjong. The event today was Event: Hard Road of 16 games. It took me 2 hours, 12 minutes and 9 seconds, which put me in 13th place in my group. I played Angry Birds.

I worked on my puzzle.

I played four games of pinball. They were Star Trek, Indiana Jones, James Bond Goldeneye and The Lord of the Rings. I got a new high score for the weekly challenge of Star Trek, which was 32,492,820. This put me in 13th place out of 17 participants. While playing Indiana Jones I got high score #2 and James Bond Goldeneye I got high score #1. I had a great day of playing pinball. 


Indiana Jones

James Bond Goldeneye


Star Trek


The Lord of the Rings

In the evening we relaxed in front of the television. We finished watching Sherlock on PBS. After Larry went to bed I watched Star Trek Into Darkness. Then I watched Murder Is My Life 6th episode of the 4th season. I ended up doing 18,000 steps, which put me in 3rd place in my group. 

Relaxing in front of the television


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