Pictures From Jan-Jul 2023 - It's All About Having Fun!!

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Saturday 12-31 New Year's Eve


New Year's Eve celebration

We had a great day. The weather was gorgeous. The temperature started at 43 degrees and got to 76 degrees. It was blue skies.

Gorgeous Day

Larry continues to work/play with the pinball machine. 

I read a bit. I did my Daily Challenges of Solitaire and Mahjong and event. The event was Event: Free Cell Adventure of 20 games. It took me 2 hours, 48 minutes and 58 seconds, which put me in 11th place in my group. I played Angry Birds.

While playing Angry Birds my computer crashed, the mouse wouldn't work and the computer wouldn't shutdown. Larry worked on it. He turned off the computer and turned it back on. It still didn't work. He tried the keyboard and the computer worked but when he tried the mouse it didn't. He checked the batteries and they were low, he replaced them and the computer still wouldn't work. Finally he removed the mouse adapter from the computer and reinstalled it and everything was now fine. Thank you, honey.

Di Green and Terry McCann decided to have a virtual square dance at 1:00 to celebrated the new year. It was a Plus/A2 dance with 41 participants. They invited three surprise callers, Betsy Gotta, Karen Rabe and Greg Moore to help them call the dance. The format was Plus, A2, Plus, A2, Plus, A2 and Plus. Di started the dance with a plus tip and a singing call. This was the first time I remember dancing a singing sequence to her and she has a beautiful voice. Betsy called the next tip, which was A2. Terry called the next tip, which was plus without a singing call. Karen and Greg took turns calling the next tip, which was an A2. Betsy called the next plus tip and she did a singing call. Di called the last A2 tip. Di and Terry closed the dance with a plus tip. Terry did the pattern section of the tip and Di did the singing call. I had a super time dancing with friends. 

All dressed up for the dance

Some of the participants


Ray and JoAnn from Chicago dressed up for the dance


Terry and Di

In the evening we watched Shrek 2. It's an old movie now but I still like watching the Shrek movies. We watched YouTube videos. After Larry went to bed I watched 2002 Spider-Man starring Tobey Maguire as Spider-Man and Kirsten Dunst as Mary Jane. Then I watched a couple of episodes of Rockford Files. I ended up doing 28,000 steps, which put me in 1st place in my group.  


1 comment:

I would love to hear friendly comments on anything at all. Ruth