Pictures From Jan-Jul 2023 - It's All About Having Fun!!

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Wednesday 1-4-23 Dance Day & Having Fun


We had another gorgeous day with a lot of sunshine and the high in the high 60s. 

On Wednesdays I attended four virtual dances. They're easy to attend I just have to remember to login to Zoom. We have been doing virtual square dancing for almost three years and I still have fun. Last year Larry cut back his dancing a bit because he wanted to do other things. I still dance six days a week (normally eight dances) and sometimes on Saturdays, Larry normally attends four dances. The attendance has slowed down but the callers we dance to say they will continue calling until there is no more demand for it.

Today's First dance was Di Green and Terry McCann's Weekly Plus at 10:00 for an hour. Di and Terry dance with their backs to us and call. They took turns calling five tips to 9 participants. Robin requested to dance more four couple moves so Di called some. She knows it's very difficult to dance with phantoms so she cued us through the moves. Di and Terry did an outstanding job of calling. I had a super time.

Second dance was Dayle Hodge's Weekly A1/A2 at 11:00 for an hour. Today he had to attend a meeting at 12:30 his time so he only called for a half hour. He called one tip of A1 and two tips of A2 two couples with 12 participants. Larry danced with me. We had fun dancing to Dayle and with friends.

Third dance was Ett McAtee's Weekly C1 at 1:00 for an hour. Ett calls five tips during the dance. This week she had three local dancers and her partner Linda showed up to dance to her while she called virtually. Linda called three of the tips because she is still recovering from a hip replacement operation. Ett called the first and last tips. Linda struggled a bit because she had to read Ett's notes on what she wanted to cover during the dance. It's very hard to call virtually yet alone call for someone else using their notes. But over all she did a good job. We had a total of 22 participants. I had a great time.  

Fourth dance was Dave Eno's Weekly C1/A2 at 6:30 for two hours. This week Dave Hutchinson showed up but didn't call. He just wanted to dance. The format was two C1 tips, five A2 tips and one C1 tip to close. Dave Eno called all the C1 tips to 7 participants. Greg Moore and Karen Rabe called the first and third tips of A2, Dave Eno called the second and fourth tips and the last tip they all called it together. When it was Dave's turn he called C1 moves because the dancers were all C1 dancers. We had 9 participants during the A2 tips. In between the tips we played some Trivia. I had a fun dancing to Karen, Greg and Dave and with friends.

Get a partner and dance

Larry continued playing with slots stuff.

I played my games. I did the Daily Challenges of Solitaire and Mahjong. The event today was Event: Hard Road Mini of 5 games. It took me 33 minutes and 34 seconds to complete, which put me in 17th place in my group. I continued playing Angry Birds 2 and Angry Birds and Friends.

After the last dance we watched the Christmas special episode of Doc Martin. It was very good. Then I watched The Dark Knight (2008). Afterwards I watched an episode of Rockford Files. I ended up doing 27,000 steps, which put me in 2nd place in my group.

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