Pictures From Jan-Jul 2023 - It's All About Having Fun!!

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Wednesday 7-5-23 Dancing, Housework, Puzzle & More


Smile and have fun

We had an awesome day of doing this and that. We had a cloud covering. It got to 97 degrees.

Larry is doing some organization of his workroom. He has a couple of shelves in the closet that are jumbled mess. For the most part he knows what is on those shelves but there is no organization. Doing projects and repairs require lots of electrical stuff. Most of time he can't purchase the items locally and when you order online you must buy a larger quantity than you need. Yesterday, we went to Walmart and bought a couple of plastic containers to add to the ones he already uses. The containers have compartments that can be modified using dividers. 

Electrical items

I started the day out by finishing assembling my puzzle. I started the puzzle 5/21/23 and finished 7/5/23. It took me longer than normal because I didn't work on it everyday. My work area is in the middle of the living room, where we dance. The work area is a card table with a long cardboard broad Larry made years ago. This allows me to move the puzzle to another room. On Wednesdays I don't bring the puzzle out because I dance four dances. This puzzle was a little difficult because some of the colors were very close to the same color. I had a great time assembling the puzzle.

Finished puzzle

I did the Daily Challenges of Solitaire and Mahjong. The Event today was Event: Spider Mini of 10 games. It took me 1 hour, 28 minutes and 50 seconds, which put me in 26th place in my group. Then I played some Angry Birds.

I attended three virtual square dances. First was Dayle Hodge's Weekly A1/A2 at 11:00 for an hour. He called two tips of two couple A1, two tips of two couple A2 and one tip of four couple A2 to 9 participants. Larry danced with me. Dayle did a great job of cueing and helping the dancers when necessary. We had an outstanding time dancing to Dayle's calling and with friends.

Second was Di Green and Terry McCann's Weekly Plus at 2:00 for an hour. Once again Dave Eno covered for them. He called four tips to 4 participants. He cued, told the dancers what formation we had and where we should be. It was a relax dance and I had a fun time dancing with friends.

Third was Dave Eno's Weekly C1/A2 at 6:30 for two hours. He called the dance by himself. He called two tips of C1 to 4 participants, five tips of A2 to 7 participants and one tip of C1 to 4 participants. During the C1 tips he introduced us to Mini Chase, it's a higher level move but very easy. The Belle does a shakedown and the Beaus partner tag. It was fun to do. Dave did a great job of calling and cueing the moves. I had a fun evening of dancing with friends.

Get a partner and dance

After lunch I did my housework. I cleaned the bathrooms, vacuumed the house, dusted and wipe down the kitchen floor. It had been a couple of weeks since I vacuumed the house, I decided to use the higher power setting on the battery control vacuum, this was a mistake because the battery died. I was happy we still have the old canister vacuum. I love the small battery power vacuum but the old vacuum has a lot more power. The problem with the old vacuum is you have to move the electric cord to different outlets. It's also big. But it comes in handy when needed.

Old vacuum


Battery control vacuum

For dinner I charcoal grilled hot dogs. When we finished dinner I played a couple of different pinball games: Medieval Madness and Metallica. While playing Medieval Madness I didn't get to be grand champion but I became #1 with the score of 48,078,470. Larry is still grand champion. Yesterday I knocked Larry out of grand champion on Red & Ted's Road Show, today he retook the title and did his grand champion dance around the living room 😀. 

Medieval Madness

After Larry went to bed I watched Hellboy II: The Golden Army and a couple of episodes of The X-Files. I ended up doing 17,500 steps, which put me in 3rd place in my group.


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