Pictures From Jan-Jul 2023 - It's All About Having Fun!!

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Wednesday 8-28-24 Hiking Bodfish and Fallen Tree Trails & Reading


Camping at Matchless Campground

When Larry went to bed last night he started the Wave3 heater. It was nice to crawl out of bed to the heat. This morning it was 41 degrees.  The high was 71 degrees. We had a lot of sunshine. Larry put a set of solar panels out to charge up our batteries.

For breakfast I made more cinnamon rolls. Last night I put them in front of the heater so they could do their thing. They raised perfect.  When the oven was to temperature I put the cinnamon rolls in the oven for about 30 minutes, I kept a watch on them so they wouldn't burn. They came out good.

After breakfast we went on a morning hike. We hiked for 4.66 miles. We started out hike by walking the road to Fallen Tree Trail, we hiked it to Bodfish Trail. When we got to the trailhead we had already hiked .89 miles. Bodfish trail is a 3 mile loop trail. It goes through trees and out in the open with no shade, this was ok because there was a little breeze. We hiked over boulders and part of the trail was narrow. We saw a river, that ran by the highway and wildflowers along the trail. We rested now and then on boulders or fallen trees. We didn't wear any jackets because we knew we were going to get warm. It was a beautiful hike and moderate. 

Scenery while hiking Bod Fish trail


The river at a distance

Beautiful wildflowers


In the afternoon we relaxed with a book. Larry finished his book and I also finished mine. The book I read was Blood of a Gladiator (Leonidas the Gladiator Mysteries Book 1) by Ashley Gardner. This the only book we have in the series and it was a great book. It was about Leonidas the Gladiator, who was set free from fighting and a slave, Cassia, who was a scribe. Cassia helps Leonidas live as a freeman. It's a story about friendship between Leonidas and Cassia. Ashley is known to be a romantic writer but this book doesn't have a lot of romance in it. It's more of a adventure on how to survive in Rome during the Gladiator era. I asked Larry to choose me another book. He chose The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd. 

For dinner we had barbecued seasoned pork from HEB. After dinner I went for a walk for an hour for 2 miles. I walked to the next campground called Silver Dollar, it works on reservations only. While walking the campground I stopped and visited with a couple out of Denver. They had a dog name Cosmo, it was cute little white dog and came barking at me so the guy introduced us. Cosmo then calmed down. We said our good-byes and I continued my walk. On the way back I saw a deer on the side of the road by the fallen Tree Trail. She was beautiful.   


A deer watching me walk by

Larry spent the evening trying to figure out where to go next. We might go into Montana but the area he would like to visit the forest campgrounds close on 9/7/24. He's not giving up he'll continue looking. 

After my walk I started reading The Invention of Wings. I ended up doing 19,000 steps, which put me in 2nd place in my group. I think I moved into a new group because of the amount of steps I've been doing and I don't recognize any of the names in my group.

We had another beautiful day camping in Matchless Campground.     

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