Pictures From Jan-Jul 2023 - It's All About Having Fun!!

Monday, August 12, 2024

Sunday 8-11-24 New Pinball Challenge, Diamond Painting, Jukebox & More


Beautiful Day

We had a super day with a lot of sun. 

I started the day out by finishing up the diamond painting of a cat. I started it last Monday and finished today, about a week. It came out very nice. I don't know what I'm going to do with my diamond paintings, I have six hanging on a wall and eight in a canvas bag. I really enjoy doing them but as with many hobbies you have to figure out what to do with the things you make.


Finished Cat

I did the Daily Challenges of Solitaire and Mahjong. The event was Event: Klondike Adventure of 20 games. It took me 59 minutes and 49 seconds, which put me in 13th place in my group. Then I moved onto playing Angry Birds.

While I played games and finished the cat diamond painting Larry worked on his jukebox. He had to redesign three skins to use only three number buttons, these are the screens that display your choice of songs. This also required having to rewire the buttons and make a new decal. He plans to add two more buttons but that will have to wait for a bit. The jukebox came out outstanding, it looks and works great.


Red Jukebox

Larry played four pinball games, Avatar, Creature From the Black Lagoon, Great Houdini and Mission Impossible. Sometimes you play a game and you just can't seem to get any of your shots to work correctly and the game is quickly over, other times things go well and you have a good game, sometimes things go really well and you seem to be able to hit most everything. Larry had one of those really good games when he was playing Mission Impossible, he kept getting multi-ball and ended up getting a very high #1 score. He had a super day of playing pinball.

Today starts a new weekly challenge in pinball, which is Terminator 3. Before the X-Files finished I played it and got a new high score but I didn't submit it because it didn't move me up in my position. I ended up being in 52nd place out of 58 participants. We weren't impressed by the X-Files game so when the challenge was over Larry took it off the cabinet. We already had the new challenge on our cabinet so Larry changed the number of ball from 5 to 3. My high score was 52,074,630, this put me in 3rd out of 6 participants so far. 


Terminator 3 


The X-Files


I also played five other games. I played the same four as Larry and I added The Machine Bride of Pin*Bot. While playing Great Houdini and Mission Impossible I got high score #3. I had fun playing pinball.



Creature From the Black Lagoon


Mission Impossible


Great Houdini


The Machine Bride of Pin*Bot


In the evening we watched the closing ceremony of the Olympics. When Larry went to bed I watched Avatar: The Way of Water. I ended up doing 17,500 steps, which put me in 2nd place for the week with a total of 123,185.





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