Pictures From Jan-Jul 2023 - It's All About Having Fun!!

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Wednesday 8-21-24 Trip Preparation Finished, Dancing & Errands


Hot Day of 104 degrees

We had another hot day of 104 degrees. It looks like it's going to be in the 100s for awhile longer. 

We started the day by putting the motorcycle on it's carrier. Next we checked out the lights to make sure they all work. Then Larry backed it on the side of the house to fill it up with water. Afterwards we took it down to 7-11 to fill it up with gas. The Minnie is ready for the trip.

After parking the Minnie in the driveway we loaded into the car. We went to town to stop the mail at the post office and The UPS Store. While at the UPS store we picked up out mail. The envelope that we have been waiting for from Shirley arrived. Next stop was Walmart. I forgot a few items and when we had our order delivered the other day there were a few items they didn't have. Also we had to return the battery core to get the money back for it. We dropped the core off in the automotive department.


Doing errands


I attended two virtual square dances. First was Ett McAtee's Weekly C1 at 1:00 for an hour. Ett called four tips of C1 to 18 participants. She started a little late because she was having computer problems. Once she got the problem fixed the dance went smoothly. I had a fun time dancing with friends.

Second was Dave Eno's Weekly C1/A2 at 6:00 for an hour and a half. This week he wasn't there because he was at a concert so Karin Rabe and Greg Moore called the dance with out him. We had a couple of surprise guests (Ett McAtee and Don Moger). Karin and Greg called three tips of C1 to 5 participants, three tips of A2 to 9 participants and in between the A2 tips we had two trivia questions. We had a small group and Karin and Greg did an excellent job of calling. I had a great evening of dancing with friends.



Square dancing is fun


I did the Daily Challenges of Solitaire and Mahjong. The event was Event: Easy Street Mini of 15 games. It took me 37 minutes and 35 seconds, which put me in 11th place in my group. I didn't play any Angry Birds because I ran out of time.

I did play the weekly challenge of The Godfather and got a new high score. I couldn't take a picture because my headset was updating. So I didn't submit the new high score. This is the last day I'll be doing the challenge because we go on our trip in the morning.

After Ett's dance I did housework so we will come back to a clean house. Larry cleaned the drains using baking soda and vinegar. Later on I cleaned the kitchen sinks with Soft Scrub.


Doing housework

After Dave's dance we watched an episode of Northern Exposure. When Larry went to bed I watched Hildalgo out of our movies collection. I ended up doing 17,000 steps, which put me in 2nd place in my group.

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