Pictures From Jan-Jul 2023 - It's All About Having Fun!!

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Monday 8-19-24 Trip Preparation Continues & Having Fun


Hot Summer Day

We had a high temperature of 103 degrees. 

We continued on our trip preparation. Once again Larry got started early. By the time I got up he was already working. We have owned the Minnie for 19 years, we put a new battery in it when we bought it, that battery lasted about 9 years, the current battery in over 10 years old. The battery still works fine but Larry thought we should probably go ahead and replace it. Who ever heard of car batteries lasting that long. We bought a new one yesterday and this morning he replaced it. He also washed the front of the Minnie and replaced the wiper blades. After that he took the motorcycle for a ride to fill it with gas. He oiled the chain, added a small amount of oil and filled the tires with air, it is ready to load up.

I attended Di Green and Terry McCann's Weekly C1 dance at 9:00 for an hour. Di called five tips to 18 participants. She put us in more challenging positions she cued the moves to help get us in the right place. She worked on Left Handed moves. She called a couple of four couple moves, which were Hour Glass formation and Cast A Shadow. I had a fun hour of dancing with friends.


Having fun with friends


After the dance we went to town to do some of our grocery shopping for our trip. First stop was HEB for some of the groceries we wanted. Then we drove to Aldi to pick up a few items. While walking around we saw some frozen Meat Pies, we picked them up for dinner. They were very good. On the way home we stopped at 7-11 to fill a gallon gas container that we take with us for the motorcycle.

The other day on our way home from Round Rock the AC in the car did not seem to be blowing very cold. Today Larry used a thermometer and sure enough it was not getting very cold. When we got home he added a can of Freon and now it blows cold again. Really important in these hot temperatures. 

Once at home I made out a shopping list for Walmart. We pay for the home delivery so we decided to finish our grocery shopping this way. We got the delivery at 8:30 pm.


Grocery shopping at HEB

I did the Daily Challenges of Solitaire and Mahjong. The event was Event: Free Cell Adventure of 20 games. I only did 19 of them. I worked on the games for 2 hours, 36 minutes and 10 seconds before giving up on the last game. I came in 15th place in my group. Then I played Angry Birds.

I worked out for a half hour with the Synth Riders. I played four games of pinball. I played The Godfather and got a new high score of 4,853,000, which put me in 17th place out of 19 participants. I also played The Addams Family, Scared Stiff and Goldeneye. I had a fun playing pinball.




Scared Stiff


The Addams Family

The Godfather

In the evening we watched a movie on Amazon called The Company Men. It was a good movie about a company laying off people. It was very realistic. Then I watched Mission Impossible 5: Fallout on Paramount +. I ended up doing 18,000 steps, which put me in 1st place in my group.

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