Pictures From Jan-Jul 2023 - It's All About Having Fun!!

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Saturday 8-24-24 Driving to Colorado & Walking


Colorado welcome sign

We had a very pleasant night. I wasn't sure how well I would sleep because Texmona Park is by a railroad track. We heard a few trains but I slept right through the blowing of the whistle. Larry woke me up at 5:30 because once again he wanted an early start. Of course I could sleep on the way to our next destination. We were on the road by 6:00.

We drove two lane divided highways and interstates. We started in Texas and ended up in Colorado. We drove 335 miles. On our way through Dalhart, TX we stopped at Daylight Donuts for breakfast. We stopped a couple of times to fill the Minnie. When we got to Trinidad, CO we stopped at the visitor center to get information about Colorado. The couple was very friendly and helpful. Last stop was for lunch in a small town 40 miles from Salado.

As we drove we saw a lot of farmland and ranches with horses, cattle and sometimes donkeys. The land was prairie through the rest of Texas and New Mexico. As we drove through New Mexico we saw Pronghorns grazing on the prairie. When we entered into Colorado the time zone changed, we had to change our clocks back an hour.

The nearer we go to Salida the more gorgeous the mountain ranges became. As we drove through the mountain range we drove by campgrounds on the side of the highway and there was a river that ran along side of the highway. On the river people were kayaking, fishing and wading. People were also fishing on the bank of the river, wading in the river and in big rubber boats. There was one construction zone where we had to wait at a light because the road was one lane. It worked out great because I had a chance to take pictures of horses and deer. It was beautiful drive. 


Trinidad Visitor Center


One of the mountain ranges


Waiting to go at the traffic light


Horses hiding in the trees


We are staying overnight at the Walmart in Salida, they allow RV's to stay for 24 hours. We parked the Minnie by the garden center because it was quieter and closer to the hike/bike trail. After setting up for the night I did a three mile walk on the trail. It's paved and very pretty. As I walked I met a few people and dogs. I saw horses, cattle, Canadian geese, ducks, a donkey and beautiful flowers. It was a very nice walk.

While I walked Larry started another book, by the end of the night he finished it. I also finished a book today.


Salida mountain and farmfield at the trail

Wildflower along the side of the trail


A bald eagle and her two babies sculpture

Sign and sculptures of the animals not to feed
I did the Daily Challenge of Solitaire. I was going to do the event but it was going to take a long time and I wanted to conserve power considering we're not plugged into power.
In the evening we walked over to Walmart and bought a few things. Then I finished doing my steps. I ended up doing 17,000 steps, which put me in 9th place in my group. After doing my steps I continued reading my story and finished it. What We Carry With Us was a very good book and well written.



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