Pictures From Jan-Jul 2023 - It's All About Having Fun!!

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Monday 8-5-24 Dancing, Diamond Painting, Jukebox Project & More


Happy Monday

We had another super day of having fun.

We started the day out by attending Di Green and Terry McCann's Weekly C1 at 9:00 for an hour. Di called five tips to 14 participants. She worked on Triangles, Cross Roll, Cast A Shadow and other four couple moves. Larry danced four of the tips with me. We had a super hour of dancing with friends.

After the dance Larry decided to start working on his jukebox. This one is red but otherwise it looks like the yellow one. While it will look very similar to the yellow one it will be far more versatile. Quite a few weeks ago he designed and created a couple of templates via the Cameo to help with the conversion of these machines. He sent the templates along with the jukebox to Frank so today he had to cutout new ones. He used one of the templates to paint the glass and the other to cut a hole for a power switch. He also drilled a hole in the box for a USB connector. Later on he made stickers on the Cameo. It's going to take awhile to complete.

I started working on my next diamond painting, which is a cat. It's from the same company as the last one.


Cat diamond painting


I did the Daily Challenges of Solitaire and Mahjong. The event was Event: Easy Street of 30 games. It took me 1 hour, 9 minutes and 38 seconds, which put me in 15th place in my group. Then I moved onto playing Angry Birds.

A couple of days ago a guy put up a YouTube video on some virtual reality pinball tables. One of the tables that looked really interesting was Avatar. This morning Larry installed it in both 2D and Virtual Reality. Then he played it to make sure it worked. In VR It's a beautiful game and plays very well, in 2D it's not very impressive.


I played Avatar and five other games. They were Twilight Zone, X-Files, The Machine Bride of Pin*Bolt, Terminator 3 and The Game of Thrones. I got a new high score in X-Files. I had a great afternoon of playing pinball. Avatar is a lot of fun and the graphics are great.



Game of Thrones

Terminator 3

The Machine Bride of Pin*Bot

Twilight Zone

I worked out with Synth Riders for an hour.

In the evening we watched the Olympics. When Larry went to bed I watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollow Part 1. I ended up doing 18,000 steps, which put me in 3rd place in my group. This is a very good start for the week. 


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