Pictures From Jan-Jul 2023 - It's All About Having Fun!!

Monday, June 3, 2024

Sunday 6/2/24 New Challenge, Games, Jukebox Project & Puzzle


Beautiful Day

We had a beautiful day of sunshine. The high was in the low 90's.

Yesterday was the beginning of the month so Larry did his monthly backup of the computer.

Today was the beginning of the week for the weekly pinball challenge. This week the challenge is Lethal Weapon 3. The version of the game chosen was developed on the newest version of the pinball software and will only work with that version or newer. That version of the software is still in development and labeled as beta code, it is being constantly updated. Since the code is still in development Larry has avoided it. While he was not thrilled about it he backed up the pinball machine and installed the beta code. Some folks have had trouble with some games using this version but so far it works fine for us. Larry did run into a problem with VR, but he remembered having this problem when he first installed VR. He went back to his notes and found out what he did to fix it. He also installed the new weekly challenge table. You never know how long it will take to install a table but at a minimum it will require 30 minutes, many times more. Installing all the new code and the new game took over 2.5 hours.

Before playing the new challenge I played Big Buck Hunter Pro a few times before it's challenge ended at 2:00. I didn't get a new high score but I had fun. Big Buck Hunter Pro had 65 participants and I came in 24th. I played the new challenge Lethal Weapon 3 and got my first high score of 65,467,640, which put me in 10th place out of 11 participants, I have another 6 days to move up.  

Big Buck Hunter Pro high score

Lethal Weapon 3 high score

Larry continued working on his jukebox project. Other than writing documentation he feels he is done. He is very happy with the final results. He made two short videos and sent an email with links to the gentlemen he developed this for. He also asked them where they want to go from here. Should he send them what they would need to build one or would they prefer to send him a second machine that he would convert and send back to them.

Links to the videos..... once the video shows click on the arrow to play it, you can turn up the volume to hear Larry. After playing the back arrow on your browser will return you to this page.

 Wallette Working

 Wallette Internal


I played the Daily Challenges of Solitaire and Mahjong. I played the event, which was Event: Free Cell Mini of 5 games. It took me 14 minutes and 16 seconds to complete, which put me in 28th place in my group. Then I played Angry Birds 2 and Angry Birds and Friends.

I worked on my jigsaw puzzle. II worked out using Synth Riders for an hour.


Working out

The other day Louise had gone into virtual reality and rode on a roller coaster. Lots of folks get dizzy or ill feeling riding roller coasters in VR, it made her dizzy. She thought I should give it a try. After dinner I decided to try it out. I couldn't figure out how to get a roller coaster program so Larry joined me in the store to find a roller coaster program. He found the program Epic Roller Coasters on Meta Quest and I road a few of them. It made me dizzy when going down a big drop but I recovered when I went back up the track. Larry read reviews on Epic Roller Coaster. He found that most of the games weren't free but he also found there were virtual reality roller coasters on YouTube that were free. I logged in and road a few of them. I had fun riding the roller coasters.

Then we watched a movie on Freevee called Washington's Armor. It was a good movie but had a cliff hunger at the end. Then I watched Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore. I ended up doing 17,000 steps, which put me in 2nd place in my group for the week with 124,120 steps.


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