Pictures From Jan-Jul 2023 - It's All About Having Fun!!

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Friday 6-14-24 Irration System, Fertilizing Yards, Puzzle, Dancing & More


Today was a hot overcast day with the high of 98 degrees here at the house.We kept busy doing this and that.

Temperature at the house at 5 pm

When I got up I made oatmeal for breakfast.

After breakfast Larry started on some outside projects. First up was Jason's sprinkler, when the system came on he made sure there were no leaks and adjusted it. After that he finished filling in the hole with dirt. 


The irrigation pipe Larry replaced

We have our lawn mowed every other week and this was our off week so Larry fertilized and treated the lawn for bugs. At lunchtime we were surprised when the mowers showed up, they have always came on Tuesday or Thursday. Jason uses the same company to mow both his properties and so does Thomas across the street. We were really surprised when they mowed our lawn because it wasn't our week. After they left Larry went to check on the fertilizer. He said most of it was gone. Larry said he'll have to put down more fertilizer and bug killer on the yards.


Mowing the yard


While Larry did his projects I worked on my puzzle and played games. I played the Daily Challenges of Solitaire and Mahjong. The event was Event: Easy Street Mini of 5 games. It took me 8 minutes and 14 seconds, which put me in 13th place in my group. Then I played Angry Birds.

In the afternoon Larry and I played pinball. Larry played Iron Man, Cactus Canyon, The Get Away and While Water. I played the games Larry played plus Apollo 13. We both had a great time playing pinball. 


Apollo 13


Cactus Canyon


Iron Man


The Get Away


Before playing games I worked out with the Synth Riders for an hour. I also did some housework. I cleaned the bathrooms, dusted and vacuumed the house.


In the evening I attended Ett McAtee's Weekly A2 dance at 6:30 for an hour. I was surprised she was going to have a dance considering she and her partner were going out of town to dance. She said that she and Linda were flying to Chicago at 4:30 am to be there for the dance at 10:00 am. She called four tips to 17 participants. We just danced. I had a great time dancing to Ett and with friends.

After the dance we watched a movie on Amazon called Last Knights. It was good movie except they killed all the good guys off. It starred Morgan Freeman, Clive Owen, Aksel Hennie and many other stars. Then I watched Iron Man and 101 Dalmations out of our movies collection. I ended up doing 18,000 steps, which put me in 1st place in my group.    





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