Pictures From Jan-Jul 2023 - It's All About Having Fun!!

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Monday 6-3-24 Wellness Appointment, Pinball, Puzzle & Wildlife


Windy Day

We had an overcast day with wind. It got up to 92 degrees with the humidity at 58%.


Temperature at the house

We started the day out by Larry taking me to Salado, Texas for my yearly Wellness Checkup. at 8:45 am. I had to wake up early, about 7:15 to get ready and to make breakfast. I made pancakes. We left at 8:00 to ensure we got there in time. The checkup went very well. Dr. Smith is very friendly and explains the lab results. If you have any questions he is more than willing to answer them.


Wellness Checkup

On the way home we stopped by Walmart to pickup some salads. Then we went to the credit union to get cash for our square dancing tomorrow.
While we were eating lunch we had a pleasant surprise. Our lawn mowing crew didn't come last Thursday but they came today instead. We were happy to see them considering the yards were getting high. 

After lunch Larry went outside to put bleach in the septic tank. He saw my hummingbird feeder, which is a sour cream bowl in the yard. We have been having a squirrel coming on the porch and climbing the railing to see if it can get in the bowl. It usually knocks the bowl off the railing and make a mess. We figured it was the squirrel. So I felled the bowl once again. 
A little later we saw the squirrel come back, he climbed the railing to get to the bowl I use to feed the hummingbirds. We watched it. Squirrels are very smart, it took it's feet and removed the lid. Then it drank the nectar unit it was full. It climbed down and flattened itself on the porch to cool off. After the squirrel left I put the lid back on the bowl and a hummingbird came to get a drink.

Squirrel climb off the railing

In the evening when were relaxing in front of the television a doe and her fawn showed up in the backyard. The fox has been showing up in most of the evening. Each evening we have live entertainment in our yards.

I played three different pinball games. I played Lethal Weapon 3, The Lord of the Rings and Medieval Madness. I didn't get a new high score in any of the games but had fun playing.
Lethal Weapon 3

Medieval Madness

The Lord of the Rings

I worked out with the Synth Riders for a half hour because I took a couple hours nap.

I did the Daily Challenges of Solitaire and Mahjong. I played the event, which was Event: Klondike Adventure of 20 games. It took me 55 minutes and 27 seconds, which put me in 13th place in my group. Then I played Angry Birds.
I watched some YouTube videos
In the evening we relaxed in front of the television and watched a movie on Paramount +, which was The Island. It was a scientific action thriller about cloning people. It staring Djimon Hounsou, Ewan McGregor, Scarlett Johansson and Sean Bean. It was very good. Then I watched the 6th episode of the 10th season of The Brokenwood Mysteries and the 5th episode of the 3rd season of Harry Wild. I ended up doing 18,000 steps, which put me in 2nd place in my group. This is a good beginning for the week. 

Relaxing in front of the television


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