Pictures From Jan-Jul 2023 - It's All About Having Fun!!

Friday, August 4, 2023

Thursday 8-3-23 Grocery Shopping, Dancing & Games


It's hot

It's still over 100 degrees and the weather report says we'll be 100 plus degrees for the next 10 days. 

We're originally (33 years ago) from Tucson, where it got hot in the summer. People said it wasn't that bad because it was a dry heat. I disagree, when it's over 100 degrees it's hot no matter the humidity. When we lived in Tucson we had evaporative (swamp) coolers, they work by running water over pads and blowing air through the pads. The lower the humidity the better they work, when the monsoon season rolls around they don't work very well. I'm glad we have the air conditioner to keep us cool. People are complaining about their electric bills being high. Our electric bill is also higher than normal but the temperatures are also higher than normal. We keep are house at 81 degrees, we run ceiling fans and a small floor fan, which keeps the house very comfortable.  

During COVID we joined Walmart home delivery service. It cost $100 dollars a year to get our groceries and other items delivered to the house. You pay for the items you order and tip the driver what you want. It's very convenient and we don't have to leave the house. When we started to do our own shopping in person we weren't using the service so we cancelled it. Earlier this year Walmart e-mailed us and said we could rejoin the service at half price so we did. We get our groceries delivered weekly or when needed. In order to get the free delivery your order has to be $35 dollars. We still go to Walmart and buy things we need or forgot. We got our groceries delivered today.

Grocery delivery at the front door

We attended one virtual square dance, which was Dayle Hodge's Weekly C1 at 11:00 for an hour. He called four two couple tips and one four couple tip to 10 participants. He called very well and walked us through moves we were having problems with. When he does this he doesn't call the move exactly the way he first called it because he doesn't write the sequence down he calls by site. Larry and I had a super time dancing to Dayle and with friends.

I did the Daily Challenges of Solitaire and Mahjong. The event today was Event: Klondike Mini of 5 games. It took me 15 minutes and 46 seconds, which put me in 36th place in my group. This wasn't good but I had fun. Then I played Angry Birds 2 and Angry Birds and Friends. 

Yesterday, I asked Larry to reset the extra ball in Congo from 1,000,000,000 points to lower. He did but the system also reset all the high score back to zero. After playing it today I am Grand Champion, of course this was easy to accomplish since anything I scored would make me Grand Champion😁. Today I also played the weekly challenge of The Simpsons Birthday Party. I didn't get a new high score. 



The Simpsons Birthday Party

I didn't play too many pinball machines because I took a two and a half hour nap. 

Larry spent the entire day setting up the new tablet. Physically it appears the same as the old tablet but It's much faster and has lots of storage space. He really likes it.

In the evening we watched an episode of Poirot and an episode of The Librarians. I watched Iron Man 3 and a couple of episodes of The X-Files. I ended up doing 18,000 steps, which put me in 4th place in my group.



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