Pictures From Jan-Jul 2023 - It's All About Having Fun!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

November 1 Shelving Project Continues

 Daylight Saving in U.K.

We have been virtual square dancing with Di Green and Terry McCann three times a week for over 18 months, they live in the U.K. This weekend the UK set their time back an hour which meant that a couple of Di's dances would overlap with Dayle Hodge's. She knew a lot of the dancers attend both so she decided to cancel her A2 on Tuesday and Plus on Wednesday. Next week our time changes and things will be back to normal. It was confusing and I thought that today's C1 workshop was at 8:00 am so I got up early. Di is great, she writes an e-mail for all her dances to give the dancers a heads up on what she's going to work on and she also puts all the time zones in the note. Yesterday she wrote an e-mail saying today's dance was at 10:00 am but I didn't read it. The people in California were happy because they didn't have to show up at 7:00 am, instead it was 8:00 am. So I went back to bed for another hour.

We attended Di Green's Weekly C1 Workshop at 10:00 with 25 participants. Di called four tips. She worked on Galaxy Formations/ Hourglass Formations/ Triangles and other moves the dancers requested. We had a great time.

After lunch we went back to working on the shelves. Larry sanded the primer and we decided where we were going to mount them. Larry put the Command Strips on the wall and shelves. Then he hung the shelves to see how they looked. They looked great. Then we removed the shelves from the walls because we still need to paint them.

While I was feeding the birds and wildlife I noticed I still had a few wildflowers in the planter. I also noticed there was going to be another batch in a day or so.


Still growing in November

Future flowers

I did the Daily Challenges of Solitaire and Mahjong and the Solitaire Event: Easy Street Mini of 5 games. It took me 9 minutes and 36 seconds, which put me in 24th place in my group.

We watched some YouTube Videos.

In the evening we watched two episodes of the 7th season of Vera. Then I watched McLintock on Amazon and The Stolen Princess on Amazon Kids. I ended up doing 27,000 steps, which put me in 3rd place in my group.    

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