Pictures From Jan-Jul 2023 - It's All About Having Fun!!

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Saturday 5-18-24 Belton Market Days, Puzzle, Jukebox & Games


Awesome Day

We had a beautiful day with the high of 91 degrees and sunshine.

When I got up Larry told me he was behind his normal routine because he spent a half hour or so watching a doe in the backyard. He said she looked like she was going to give birth any time. But she just walked off.


The doe

Every third Saturday of the month Belton has Belton Market Days, where local artisans, crafters, and vendors get together to sell their wares. There are also food vendors, entertainment and a farmers market. Today was the day it happened 9:00 to 4:00. 

We decided to go to town and  attended Belton Market Days. Belton closes down a few streets in the downtown area for the vendor to put their booths. A week or so ago Larry had read that Nolan Creek was over it's bank because of all the rain we have had. When we arrived we parked in a bank's parking lot and saw where the water had been because there was debris left behind. This week there were vendors along the streets and down by Nolan Creek. There were a lot more vendors this month than a last time we were here. The farmers market was bigger also. We walked around and looked at what the vendors had to sell. We didn't buy anything but we had a nice walk. 


Vendors selling their wares



Playing in Nolan Creek


Other vendors


The courthouse


A gorgeous mural of Belton


Nolan Creek

When we got home I worked on The Blue Truck puzzle and finished it. It was hard because of the shape but I had fun. It had 1000 pieces. Usually when I assemble jigsaw puzzles I do the frame first but this one I couldn't because the pieces weren't straight edges, they had curves. It came out very nice. It took me 10 days to complete.


The Blue Truck

I did the Daily Challenges of Solitaire and Event. The event was Event: Medium Mayhem Mini of 5 games. It took me 13 minutes and 33 seconds, which put me in 16th place in my group. Then I played Angry Birds.

Larry played a little pinball. He had installed a new color screen for The Creature From The Black Lagoon. He played very well he became Grand Champion and knocked me off the board. Then he challenged me to get back on the board. I took him up on the challenge. I was unsuccessful but did have a great game. I also played The Get Away and Godzilla. I got a new high score in The Great Away of 51,637,980, which put me in 38th place in the group of 45 participants. I still have until 12:30 pm tomorrow. When I played Godzilla I got on the board as the 1st high score. 

Creature From The Black Lagoon




The Get Away

Larry continued working on his jukebox project. 

I worked out with the Synth Riders for an hour.

In the evening we watched Interstellar, a movie on Amazon. It was a good movie. When Larry went to bed I watched the 2nd episode of the 3rd season of Harry Wild. It was the last one available right now. Another episode will be available later on this week. Then I watched Natural Treasure from our movie collection. I ended up doing 17,000 steps, which kept me in 1st place in my group.



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