Pictures From Jan-Jul 2023 - It's All About Having Fun!!

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Friday 5-24-24 Still No Power



We still don't have any power. Oncor said that we may get power tomorrow evening. There are still over 25000 people without power. I don't know what we would be doing without the generator. It is providing us enough power to run all kinds of things, not having electricity is really inconvenient. It got up to 90 degrees but we had a fan going in the living room so it was comfortable. Tomorrow is predicted to he hotter, we will see how it goes. 

We are also providing power to the neighbor. He is running two freezers, a refrigerator and some other items.

One of our neighbors a couple of doors away is going camping with their grandchildren. They have a generator running their fridge and some other things. It runs on propane and will run out of fuel before they get back. Larry offered to change out the propane tanks while they are away to keep it running.

Our neighbors cut up and hauled off the branches from in front of our house. A couple of guys came by with blowers and blew away as much stuff as they could, not sure who they were but they might have been from our mowing service. 

Good to have lots of neighbors helping neighbors.

Larry ordered a chainsaw that was supposed to arrive today, he was notified it won't get here until tomorrow. It's an electric chainsaw so it's not really a problem since we don't have any power. We would prefer not to run it off of our generator because we would probably have to stop using power we have going to other things.

Even with the downed power poles somehow our internet provider was able to get their equipment working. We did see a generator plugged into one of their boxes. With that Larry was able to plug in enough stuff to get our internet working. He also got our main computer and monitor powered up. Made it much easier for me to play my computer games. I did the Daily Challenges of Solitaire and Event. The event was Event: Easy Street Mini of 15 games. It took me 31 minutes and 49 seconds, which put me in 15th place in my group. Then I played Angry Birds 2 and Angry Birds and Friends. I did a few Sudoku puzzles.


Sudoku games

In the early evening a gentleman knocked on the door and asked if we talked to his brother about getting an estimate on clearing our trees. He was actually at the wrong house, he was suppose to be next door. He runs a tree trimming service out of Greenville, South Carolina. A couple of weeks ago Houston had a terrible storm, he and his crew traveled to Houston, work has slowed down there so he is planning on coming up to our area for a couple of weeks. Larry and the gentleman walked around and he got a estimate. 

Our neighbor Jason left town a couple of hours earlier so Larry texted him, he said he should have a crew coming tomorrow. We will see, his crew was supposed to be here Thursday, then Friday, now tomorrow. If they don't show Larry will try to get the traveling guy, he hopes to be in the area on Monday.

In the evening we relaxed in front of the television. We watched a few episodes of Northern Exposure.

Late in the day we placed a home delivery order with Walmart, it was almost 9:00 and dark when they delivered our groceries. We hadn't given any thought to not having power, the poor delivery person had to find the house without the assistance of any external lighting. Her headlights really helped but Larry also went out with a flashlight to help her.

After Larry went to bed I watched a couple of movies on Amazon. They were Squeaky Clean Mysteries: Hazardous Duty and Dying For Chocolate. Squeaky Clean Mysteries: Hazardous Duty was about Gabby St. Claire a crime scene cleaner, who investigates a murder after finding a gun to free her partner from the murder. Dying For Chocolate was about a caterer and a single mom teams up with a detective to find the ingredients that led to the mysterious death of her friend. Both movies were ok movies. I ended up doing 17,500 steps, which put me in 2nd place in my group.


Relaxing in front of the television



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