Pictures From Jan-Jul 2023 - It's All About Having Fun!!

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Friday 5-10-24 Minnie Projects, Dancing & Barb's Art


Awesome Day

We had an awesome day. It got up to 84 degrees, which was cooler than yesterday by 10 degrees. There was a breeze out of the north so it kept it nice and cool.

We started the day by washing the Minnie. It was filthy from our trip considering we drove and camped in rain. Actually Larry washed the Minnie and I dried it. It took us about three and a half hours. 


Doing Minnie Projects


Washing the Minnie


After lunch we went back outside and cleaned the interior of the Minnie. This took another hour. It's almost ready to go back to the storage center.

I did the Daily Challenges of Solitaire and Event. Today the event was Free Cell Mini of 5 games. It took me 13 minutes and 40 seconds, which put me in 15th place in my group.

After playing games I worked out using the Synth Riders VR program for an hour.

 Working Out

Larry received an e-mail from the Cultural Activities Center about an upcoming art exhibit. The opening reception was today between 5:00 to 7:00. One of the artists is a friend of ours, Barbara Cardinal Sorge has some of her art on display. We got there about 5:00 and Barb was happy to see us. Her displays were in the main lobby called From Fiber to Fantasy. She is very talented. After walking around looking at Barb's exhibit we looked at the rest of the art exhibits. The photography exhibit was called Bendicion and Glory Child by Nunmarie, Smoke & Fire by Aaron White and Fun Art Collection from artists Kevin Middleton, Teresa Taylor Bayer and Svetlana Novikova. We had a great time looking at the different artists works. 

One of Barb's art

From Fiber To Fantasy Parrots by Barb


Fun Art on Texas by Kevin Middleton



Fun Art exhibit by Theresa Taylor Bayer


A rabbit created by Barb


Barb's ceramic pot display

When we got home we had sandwiches for dinner. It was a quick dinner because Ett's dance was in a half hour.

I attended Ett McAtee's Weekly A2 dance at 6:30 for an hour. She called five tips to 14 participants. We just danced and visited in between tips. I had fun dancing to Ett and with friends.


 While I danced Larry worked on his jukebox project. When I finished dancing we watched a couple of episodes of Call the Midwifes. When Larry went to bed I started watching the series Sherlock on BritBox. I ended up doing 15,500 steps, which put me in 5th place in my group.





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