Pictures From Jan-Jul 2023 - It's All About Having Fun!!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

10-22 Saturday A2 Dancing

Camping at the Red River Fair grounds RV Park
Wow, what a day!!! In the morning there was two and a half hours of dancing. The first tip was called by Bronc Wise, he introduced us to a couple C1 moves. It was a lot of fun but currently we don't need to move up to Challenge level of square dancing. The next two tips were workshops with Tim and Vic doing the calling, they went over A2 moves from positions that dancers don't usually dance in. We always enjoy workshops considering you have to listen real closely to what is being called and they make you think. The last tip was called by Ross and it was a dance tip but we were tired so we went back to the Minnie to rest. When we got to the Minnie I made salads for lunch. After lunch I took Flo out but she didn't feel like going too far, she did her thing and then laid down. I put her on the chain and then went inside. She likes to stay outside but she doesn't like being alone so she barked to come in shortly afterwards.

The building that the A2 and C1 dances were in
The building where the C3A dances were

The building where the C2 dances were
In the afternoon they had another two and a half hour dance session, this session was all dancing. We danced to Darryl and Bronc. The tips were a little more challenging so it was fun but we broke down more often. The morning session had four squares and a few more dancers, the afternoon started out with four squares but people were getting tired and hot so most of the time there were three squares.

Pam and Bruce dancing with friends while Vic calls
Vic Ceder calling 

Betsy, John and Diane dancing to Vic's calling
Bronc Wise getting ready to call his tip
At 7:30 we went back to the A2 hall and danced, there were five squares. The dancing was for three hours and then they were having a get together afterwards. We danced to Ross, Darryl, Bronc, Tim and Vic. We had a great day of dancing. 

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