Pictures From Jan-Jul 2023 - It's All About Having Fun!!

Monday, October 17, 2016

10-16 What an Awesome Day

We had a n awesome day in Braircliff. Jimmy Johnson tries to get a group of people together once a month on a Sunday to do some DBD square dancing. Braircliff is about 110 miles from our house so it takes a bit over two hours to get there. The dancing starts at 2:00 and finishes at 7:00. There are two sessions two hours long and an hour for dinner. Before going to the Braircliff I put a cooler together with sandwich fixings for our dinner. Last night I baked brownies with cookie dough in them to take with us for everyone to snack on. Today there were three squares of dancers and everyone had to dance every tip. The dancing is computer controlled, it tells your which square you're in. It's was a long day but we have a great time. Jimmy gets us doing plus moves out of positions we're not use to being in which makes it very challenging. By the end of the day we were exhausted.

A gorgeous full moon
On the way home it was dark and the moon was gorgeous. When we got home Flo was happy to see us. After saying hi I fed her dinner and then I took her outside. After changing clothes Larry and I relaxed until Larry went to bed. Most nights he goes to bed earlier then I do. After he went to bed I worked on my book and played computer games. We had an awesome day.  

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