Pictures From Jan-Jul 2023 - It's All About Having Fun!!

Sunday, October 2, 2016

10-1 Happy October

Today was a busy day and we never left the house. Flo was up most of the day following us around while we were doing this and that and by the end of the day she was exhausted.

It was nice and cool this morning so Larry did a little yardwork, Flo and I kept him company. Our yards all of a sudden went brown. We don't know why but we hope that they're just going dormant for the winter. This morning Larry spread the 50 lbs of rye grass seed that we bought from Tractor Supply, he spread it on both the front and back where the sod was, hopefully, the yards will start to look a bit better. While Larry did this I did his monthly job of putting bleach in the septic tank. After doing this Larry blew out the garage, sprayed for weeds and treated for ants. While Larry was finishing up a automotive glass replacement person showed up across the street, our neighbors windshield was cracked really bad and had to be replaced. Larry went over and to talk to him about repairing windshields and watch him replace the windshield. His company will only repair chips, if a windshield has a crack they replace them. He was a really nice guy and let Larry watch and ask questions, it probably took a total of 45 minutes to do the entire job.

50lbs of Grass Seed
Larry spreading the grass seed by hand at spots the spreader missed
Larry spreading the grass seed with spreader
Larry filling the spreader with seed
Last week the vet gave Flo prescriptions for two different pain killers, Vetprofen and Tramadol, Vetprofen is a generic form of Rimadyl. We have given her Vetprofen for months but today Larry decided to switch her to the Tramadol. We'll keep an eye on her to she how she does on it. She had a really good day, not sure if it was the new pain killer or if she just had a good day, sometimes she has good days and sometimes she has problems. After lunch Larry asked if I wanted to take Flo for a swim and I decided not to, I am worried about making her sore. Larry decided to work on a couple of Seeds Program products, he had received a couple of security cameras and a complete video security system to review. He spent part of the day installing and playing with them. The first one was the eZVIZ Mini-O security camera, he actually started playing with this the other day, it is designed for interior use. The second security camera is an outside camera also from eZVIZ, it is called Husky. Both of these cameras work on a wireless network and will capture videos whenever they sense movement or you can view the live video stream via your smartphone, tablet or computer. He thought they were easy to setup, had a bunch of great features and worked very well. He will be submitting really positive reviews on both. Next was the Qsee IP HD Network Video Recorder, this system comes with four security cameras that have to be hard wired to the recorder. While the house was getting built Larry had wired the house with Ethernet cables for a security system. Today he had to put the connectors on the cables so he could install the cameras, he hadn't done this in a few years so it took him a little while. After putting the connector on the cable he tested them to make sure they worked, he had a couple of cables that didn't work so he had to cut the connector off and put another one on. The cable has small wires in them and each wire is colored. When you put the connector on the cable you need to put each wire in a slot in a certain order. It's easy to make a mistake because the wires are so small. He got the cables ready for the cameras. The next step is to mount the cameras, that will have to wait until another day.

The eZVIZ Husky
Qsee IP HD Network Video Recorder
Putting connectors on Ethernet cables in the closet
The eZVIZ Husky camera on the back porch
Installed connector

Cable tester
While Larry was working on the Seeds products I did laundry and worked on Sudoku. I helped him when he needed it, which wasn't that often. I put the leftover pork ribs in the crock pot in root beer and liquid smoke. I let it slow cook all afternoon, they were very tender and tasted great. Next time I think I'll leave out the root beer. In the evening we watched our local PBS Station, KNCT. We watched Songs of the Mountains, which was an hour long. They had two acts singing old time Mountain songs. They were both great performers. After watching this show we watched the GizWiz and YouTube videos. Afterwards I worked on my book and played computer games until I went to bed.

Pork ribs

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