Pictures From Jan-Jul 2023 - It's All About Having Fun!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Tuesday 1-10 Terrific Tuesday

We had a terrific Tuesday. We started out by going to Tropic Star and dancing to Joe Saltel. We had 14 squares and a bunch of line dancers. Joe made the dance very challenging, lots of lefty moves. He made you concentrate on what he called. We danced with a lot of good dancers. In between the square dancing tips Karen Tripp did a line dance. I danced all the line dances. After the dance Joe did a Hot Hash tip but Larry and I decided to pass. This gave me the opportunity to take pictures. We had a blast.

Getting ready to line dance
Line dancing with Karen Tripp
Joe Saltel calling the Hot Hash tip
Having fun doing the Hot Hash tip
In the afternoon we hung around the house and kept Flo Company, she was not having a great day, she couldn't walk as far as she has been. The wind was blowing out of the south so the temperature was very nice. After taking Flo for a walk she wanted to stay outside so either Larry or I would sit outside with her. 

Randy Dougherty calling his DBD Dance
Larry enjoying watching our friends dance
Char and Glenn having fun dancing with friends
Kit and Marty having fun dancing to Randy calling
After dinner Larry and I went over to Pharr South and danced DBD with Randy Dougherty. Our friends (Marty, Kit, Glenn and Char) from Sun City were at the dance tonight. A couple of our friends (Dan and Grace) from Tool arrived in the valley Monday so they attended the dance. Randy did another challenging dance. There were five squares and three couples sat out. We sat out one tip. We were going to sit out another time but Kit asked me to dance with Marty and Glenn asked Larry to dance with Char. In between the tips everyone visited with each other. Randy called eight tips. We had a super time.

By time we got back from the dance we were tired so we called it a night after I took Flo for a walk. I was happy, she walked a lot better than she did earlier.    

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