Pictures From Jan-Jul 2023 - It's All About Having Fun!!

Saturday, January 23, 2016

1-22 Already to go

Already to go
I finished packing up the Minnie, did a little laundry and cleaned the house. Now we're ready to hit the road but we're not leaving until tomorrow. When Larry designed the house he put in a dump and electrical outlet for the Minnie so now I can get a head start. We used to get the Minnie early and I would put in as much as possible except the items for the refrigerator and freezer. Now Larry hooks up the Minnie to power and turns on the refrigerator. When the refrigerator gets cold I can now load it up instead of taking a big cooler full of ice and items that need to be kept cold. I can now make ice in ice trays before we get to our destination. The freezer doesn't get cold enough to keep ice cream hard so I can't take any, I always pack enough junk food that I certainly don't need ice cream. I'm excited about our trip.

Square Dancing is Fun and Cool

In the evening we went to Austin for a DBD (dance by definition) square dance, Jerry Story is the caller. It's a two day event of a higher level of square dancing than we usually dance. Today was a two hour dance, tomorrow will have three sessions, two are workshops and the other is the evening dance. This evening there were six squares. The dance was run by computer, each tip you look at the computer to see which square you are in, this ensures everyone dances and that you don't end up with the same folks all the time, it worked out excellent. The dance was very challenging and we had a fantastic time.  

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