Pictures From Jan-Jul 2023 - It's All About Having Fun!!

Monday, January 12, 2015

1-12 Family

What constitutes a family? Can a couple be a family? How about a single person? I guess this could be a complicated question, a person who is the child of someone would be part of that family even when they have grown and left home, even though they no longer live at home they are still part of the family but if they now live alone or as a couple is that their own family? I believe so, I think of Larry and I as a family, even more so when I think of our dog, she is part of our family. My sister in-law who is single has a dog so I think of her as having her own family. In reading Websters definition some folks might not think so.

Websters - Family (their definition goes further but children is the tie)
  1. a basic social unit consisting of parents and their children, considered as a group, whether dwelling together or not:
    "The Traditional Family."
  2. a social unit consisting of one or more adults together with the children they care for:
    "A Single-Parent Family."
I come from a large family, parents and nine siblings, want some fun, try growing up with nine children in a three bedroom two bath house. In her later years my mother said she always thought we were a "close" family, not entirely sure why, some of the siblings were certainly closer to others but overall most of us don't have a lot of interaction with each other and now that both of my parents have passed I would imagine some will drift even further. I guess I will always be part of my siblings family but as time goes on the importance of that family may wane, that might sound sad but I believe that is life, we tend to drift away from those we are not physically near and even more so if we are not tightly connected emotionally. Of course you never know, at some point I could return to Tucson and might become closer to some of them.

Family, can't live with em, can't live without em.
Family - Everyone's Included

Today Larry and I went to Georgetown to square dance with the Sundancers in Sun City. There were enough people there in the beginning for five squares but by the last tip there were only enough people for two squares. In between each square dancing tip Brad play a recording for the round dancers. We had a great time.

Outfits mom and dad wore to the Sundancers Dance.

Round Dancing

Round Dancing

Round Dancing

Round Dancing

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