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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

1-27 Household Net Worth / Savings

Saw an article the other day on our My Yahoo page referring to a article on the Motley Fool about Household Net Worth , I think the article has some importance and the chart is interesting.

I am not an investment counselor nor do I care much about investing, fortunately Larry has always taken care of that but I do know that if you want to have a fairly large net worth it helps to start saving and investing early in life, you should also avoid as much debt as possible, really, do people need to live in 2500+ sq ft homes and have huge mortgage payments. Does anyone really need a new 35k car every few years. Drive that perfectly good car for a long time, use the money you save to invest or to help purchase the next new car. Once you see your account balances grow a bit it actually becomes quite a motivator and you will probably try harder to spend less and invest more. Keep in mind why you are doing this, I believe most people invest so they can become financially independent and be able to retire as early as possible. Most people will need greater amounts than the above chart indicates they currently have.   

1 comment:

  1. Wish more people would pay attention to savings and investments.


I would love to hear friendly comments on anything at all. Ruth