Pictures From Jan-Jul 2023 - It's All About Having Fun!!

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Tuesday 1-14-25 A2 Dancing & Games


It's a beautiful day

We had another cold day with the low of 30 degrees and the high of 58 degrees. The wind was down and a lot of sunshine.

Larry is waiting on the paint to cure on the mini pinball cabinet so he started playing with virtual reality rooms for the pinball games.

I started the day out by doing a little preparation for a bake I'm planning to make. The dish is sausage, peppers, onions and potato bake. I cut up some sausage and red and yellow peppers. Tomorrow I will cut up the onions and potato and finish making the dish.

At 10:00 Larry and I attended Di Green and Terry McCann's Weekly A2 dance for an hour. Di and Terry took turns calling five tips to 13 participants. Di worked on Right & Left Turn and Deal and Right & Left Pass and Roll. Larry danced four of the tips with me. We had a great time dancing with friends.

After lunch we went to dance A2 in Liberty Hills at Bob and Kay Ski's house. The dance started at 1:00 and finished at 3:00. It took us an hour and fifteen minutes to get there so we had to leave at 11:30. The caller was John Kephart out of San Antonio. He did a super job of calling the dance. We had exactly two squares and had a great time.



Get a partner and dance

We were home by 4:30. I fixed leftovers for dinner. We watched YouTube videos.

I did the Daily Challenges of Solitaire and Mahjong. The event was Event: Klondike Adventure of 20 games. It took me 1 hour, 17 minutes and 15 seconds, which put me in 16th place in my group. Then I played Angry Birds.

I worked on the diamond painting of a Fairy.

In the evening we finished watching the fourth season of Vienna Blood on PBS. After Larry went to bed I watched Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I ended up doing 18,000 steps, which put me in fourth place in my group.


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