We had a gorgeous day of sunshine and no wind. The low was 38 degrees and the high was 65 degrees.
We spent the morning working on the mini pinball cabinet. I helped Larry put the graphics on the bottom of the cabinet. The graphics were in three pieces. First we started with the front piece. Larry trimmed it and then pressed it on the front. As he pressed the piece on I slowly removed the backing and held the piece up so it didn't stick or get bubbles. Once the piece was in place Larry cut the holes out where the buttons and plunger go and trimmed the piece back. Next he touched up the edges with a paint marker. We used the same procedure for the two sides. It came out excellent.
Front decal
Side decals
Larry trimming decal after it was installed
Larry touching up the edges
I did the Daily Challenges of Solitaire and Mahjong. The event was Event: Medium Mayhem Mini of 5 games. It took me 12 minutes and 17 seconds, which put me in 13th place in my group. I played Angry Birds.
I got my Wii Fit out and did my measurements.
In the afternoon I took a nap.
While I was napping Larry applied clear paint over the decals to protect them from getting damaged. He applied five coats to each of them.
When I woke up we went to Walmart to buy more clear paint. Then we went across the street to Dollar Tree to buy some cookies and bleach for the septic.
When we got home I played seven games of pinball. They were White Water, Guardians of the Galaxy, Star Trek The Next Generation, Aerosmith, NASCAR, The Machine Bride of Pin Bot and Spider-Man. While playing NASCAR I became the Grand Champion and The Machine Bride of Pin Bot I became high score #4. I did very well considering I had played in a couple of days.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Star Trek the Next Generation
The Machine Bride of Pin Bot
White Water
I worked on my Fairy diamond painting.
In the evening we continued watching the fifth season of Creatures Small & Great on PBS. Then I watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1. I ended up doing 18,000 steps, which put me in 3rd place in my group.
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