Pictures From Jan-Jul 2023 - It's All About Having Fun!!

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Friday 1-24-25 We're Home


Home Sweet Home

We woke to a temperature of 43 degree in Pharr, Texas. By the end of the day the temperature was 69 in Belton, Texas. It was chilly because the wind was blowing out of the north. It was a beautiful day with a lot of sunshine.


Beautiful day with wind

We woke up a little before 5 in Pharr so we could get an early start. We got dressed and loaded the car. Larry read his e-mail. We were on the road by 5:30. We drove 370 miles to get home. We drove through small towns and on the 183 toll road until we got on I35. We were home by 12:30.

We had a super time in the Rio Grande Valley. We were only there for five days and danced four dances. We danced two dances with Joe Saltel and two dances with Bronc Wise. We had planned to dance six but Bronc was sick one of the days. We danced with people we hadn't danced with in person for five years. We met new dancers. We did very well considering we hadn't really danced in person for five years. When we did stumble other dancers helped us through the move. We danced with good dancers and the callers helped us get through the moves.


Joe and Chris Saltel

Joe and me

Joe calling his plus dance
Dancing to Joe

Bronc and Fia Wise

Dancing to Bronc

More dancers dancing to Bronc


Bronc calling his plus dance


When we weren't dancing we hung around the hotel. I worked out at the workout room and played games. Larry read four books. Previously we had done all the tourist stuff. We ate out a lot more than we were used to. We ate at places right by La Quinta, it was easy to walk to them: Teriyaki Madness, Church's and Wienerschnitzel. Other places we ate at were Whataburger and Taco Bell. We stopped by HEB and bought a couple of salads and sandwich fixing to eat in the room.

During our trip we drove 800 miles, spent $62.00 for dances, our total cost was $664.14. Most of that was the hotel.

When we got to town we stopped by The UPS Store and picked up our mail. We stopped at Murphy and filled up the car. Last stop was Little Caesar to pickup a pizza for lunch and dinner.  

When we got home we unloaded the car and I did laundry.

I did the Daily Challenges of Solitaire and Mahjong. The event was Event: Easy Street Mini of 5 games. It took me 22 minutes and 53 seconds, which put me in 40th place in my group. Then I played Angry Birds. 

I worked out on my Wii Fit for a half hour. Then I played Bounce Arcade. I played Monster Manor three times. My best game was the first one. I didn't earn a trophy but had fun. I played Gunpowder Gulch twice. My best game was the second one and I earned a bronze trophy. In both games I fought the deputies a couple of times and lost. I did have fun.


Gunpowder Gulch score

Monster Manor

I played six games of pinball. They were Road Show, Playboy, Medieval Madness, The Machine Bride of Bot, Star Wars and The Godfather.

Medieval Madness


Road Show

Star Wars

The Godfather

The Machine Bride of Pin Bot

We started watching the YouTube videos we follow. 

In the evening we watched a couple of episodes of Elementary. When Larry went to bed I watched the first two Rambo movies called First Blood & First Blood II on Paramount Plus. I worked on my diamond painting (Fairy). I ended up doing 18,000 steps, which put me in 3rd place in my group.



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