Overcast Day
The day started out with rain. At times the rain came down hard. The rain stopped around 11:00. The sun peeked out for a few minutes in the afternoon. The clouds stayed around all day.
I started the day out by doing the Daily Challenges of Solitaire and Mahjong. The event was Event: Klondike Mini of 10 games. It took me 30 minutes and 43 seconds, which put me in 21st place in my group. Then I played Angry Birds and Friends and Angry Birds 2.
Larry continued working on a power problem with the mini pinball cabinet. He finally found a defective connector. The connector was brand new and worked intermittently making it difficult to diagnose. He played quite a few games and the cabinet worked great.
Larry playing pinball on the mini cabinet
In the afternoon I played a couple of games on the mini cabinet. They were Medieval Madness, Mission Impossible and Attack From Mars. While playing Medieval Madness the shakers got stuck on. Larry exited me out of the game and got the shakers to shutdown and working again. I played Medieval Madness once again and it worked great. The shaker works great, the vibration is controlled via the game and you can really feel it. While playing Mission Impossible I entered my initials as high score #4. When I played Attack From Mars I got all five countries and Mars but while I was demolishing Mars the computer crashed. It was a great game while it lasted.
Medieval Madness
Mission Impossible
Attack From Mars
I worked out on the Wii Fit for 45 minutes and the Synth Riders for 30 minutes.
Working Out
I played Asteroid Outpost on Bounce for a half hour. I played the game twice and got a bronze trophy both times. The second game was my best I mined the asteroids three times and was successful once to energize a module. I played the multiball.
Asteroid Outpost
I worked on the Fairy diamond painting.
I played pinball on the big machine. The games I played were Iron Man, Big Buck Hunter Pro, Playboy and Red & Ted's Road Show. I played Playboy as two players and both went to Mansion Mania. I entered my initials in the Mansion Mania as the first player. I had a great game even if I didn't score a new high score.
Big Buck Hunter Pro
Iron Man
Red & Ted's Road Show
In the evening we watched Unstoppable on Amazon. It is a biographical sports drama about Anthony Robles, a wrestler who was born without a leg. Unstoppable starred Jennifer Lopez(Judy Robles, mom), Jharrel Jerome (Anthony Robles), Don Cheadle, Bobby Cannavale and Michael Pena. It was a good movie. When Larry went to bed I watched the third movie of The Matrix called The Matrix Revolutions. I ended up doing 18,000 steps, which put me in 4th place in my group.