Pictures From Jan-Jul 2023 - It's All About Having Fun!!

Friday, January 31, 2025

Thursday 1-30-25 Overcast Day, Mini Pinball Cabinet & Diamond Painting


Overcast Day

The day started out with rain. At times the rain came down hard. The rain stopped around 11:00. The sun peeked out for a few minutes in the afternoon. The clouds stayed around all day. 


I started the day out by doing the Daily Challenges of Solitaire and Mahjong. The event was Event: Klondike Mini of 10 games. It took me 30 minutes and 43 seconds, which put me in 21st place in my group. Then I played Angry Birds and Friends and Angry Birds 2.

Larry continued working on a power problem with the mini pinball cabinet. He finally found a defective connector. The connector was brand new and worked intermittently making it difficult to diagnose. He played quite a few games and the cabinet worked great.


Larry playing pinball on the mini cabinet

In the afternoon I played a couple of games on the mini cabinet. They were Medieval Madness, Mission Impossible and Attack From Mars. While playing Medieval Madness the shakers got stuck on. Larry exited me out of the game and got the shakers to shutdown and working again. I played Medieval Madness once again and it worked great. The shaker works great, the vibration is controlled via the game and you can really feel it. While playing Mission Impossible I entered my initials as high score #4. When I played Attack From Mars I got all five countries and Mars but while I was demolishing Mars the computer crashed. It was a great game while it lasted.


Medieval Madness


Mission Impossible


Attack From Mars


I worked out on the Wii Fit for 45 minutes and the Synth Riders for 30 minutes. 



Working Out

I played Asteroid Outpost on Bounce for a half hour. I played the game twice and got a bronze trophy both times. The second game was my best I mined the asteroids three times and was successful once to energize a module. I played the multiball. 


Asteroid Outpost

I worked on the Fairy diamond painting. 

I played pinball on the big machine. The games I played were Iron Man, Big Buck Hunter Pro, Playboy and Red & Ted's Road Show. I played Playboy as two players and both went to Mansion Mania. I entered my initials in the Mansion Mania as the first player. I had a great game even if I didn't score a new high score.


Big Buck Hunter Pro

Iron Man


Red & Ted's Road Show

In the evening we watched Unstoppable on Amazon. It is a biographical sports drama about Anthony Robles, a wrestler who was born without a leg. Unstoppable starred Jennifer Lopez(Judy Robles, mom), Jharrel Jerome (Anthony Robles), Don Cheadle, Bobby Cannavale and Michael Pena. It was a good movie. When Larry went to bed I watched the third movie of The Matrix called The Matrix Revolutions. I ended up doing 18,000 steps, which put me in 4th place in my group.




Thursday, January 30, 2025

Wednesday 1-29-25 Nasty Day, Dancing, Pinball Cabinet Project & More


Nasty Day

It drizzled on and off all day. It looked like a winter day. The low was 54 degrees and the high was 62, humidity was 99%. As the day went on the weather got worse. 

The temperature at 4:30 pm

I did the Daily Challenges of Solitaire and Mahjong. I did the event, which was Event: Easy Street Mini of 15 games. It took me 34 minutes and 56 seconds, which put me in 28th place in my group. Then I played Angry Birds 2 and Angry Birds and Friends.

I attended two virtual square dances. Ett's Weekly C1 was cancelled due to computer problems. The first dance was Di Green and Terry McCann's Weekly Plus at 10:00 for an hour and fifteen minutes. Di called all five tips and Terry danced with her. We had 10 participants. Di worked on Spin Chain Thru, Linear Cycle (left and right) and Spin Chain the Gears. I had a super time dancing to Di and with friends.

Di Green

Participants for the dance

Second dance was Dave Eno's Weekly C1/A2 at 6:00 for an hour and a half. Karin Rabe and Greg Moore called with him. The format was three tips of C1, three tips of A2 and two Trivia questions in between A2 tips. During the C1 session we had 10 participants and A2 session had 9 participants. I had a great time dancing to Dave, Karin and Greg and with friends.

Dave Eno

Karin Rabe and Greg Moore

Participants in A2

Participants in C1



In the afternoon I worked out with the Wii Fit for a half hour and Synth Riders for 45 minutes.


Working out

I played Bounce Arcade (Gunpowder Gulch) four times and got two silver trophies. First silver trophy I cracked the safe and got multi-ball and I did the jailhouse break multiball. I also tried shouting the barrels and a shoot out with the deputies and failed. Second silver trophy I did the saloon multi-ball because I spelled saloon and the jailhouse breakout multi-ball. I also tried hitting the barrels twice, a gunfight with the deputies and a shoot out with the deputies and failed in each event. I'm getting better in the shoot outs and hitting the barrels.

First silver trophy

Second silver trophy

Larry spent the day working on his mini pinball cabinet. Yesterday, when I was playing the display lost power a couple of times. Larry fixed it so I could play. Today he worked on fixing it, he believes he was drawing too much power off a circuit on the power supply. He made a change in the wiring and thought he had it fixed but when he added in one more device he once again had a problem. He worked on this all day and will keep working on it.

I played pinball on the big cabinet. I played four games, which were James Bond 60th Anniversary, Aerosmith, Great Houdini and Red & Ted's Road Show. While playing the Great Houdini game I entered my initials as high score #2. I didn't get a new high score for the weekly challenge of Red & Ted's Road Show but I had fun.


Red & Ted's Road Show high score


Great Houdini




James Bond 60th Anniversary 

I worked on the Fairy diamond painting.

Fairy update

After the dance we watched a couple of episodes of Elementary. Then I watched the second movie of The Matrix, which was The Matrix Reloaded. I ended up doing 18,000 steps, which put me in 4th place in my group.  


Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Tuesday 1-28-25 Day of A2 Dancing


Smile and have fun

We had a lot of moisture in the air today. Larry woke up to 47 degrees and the high was 57 degrees. 

I did the Daily Challenges of Solitaire and Mahjong. The event was Event: Pyramid Adventure of 20 games. It took me 1 hour, 56 minutes and 27 seconds, which put me in 23rd place in my group. Then I played Angry Birds.

Larry and I attended Di Green and Terry McCann's Weekly A2 at 10:00 for an hour and 15 minutes. Di and Terry took turns calling five tips to 14 participants. Larry danced with me four of the five tips. We had a great time dancing to Di and Terry and friends. 

The second A2 dance was in Liberty Hill at Bob and Kay Ski's house. The dance started at 1:00 and finished at 3:00. It took us an hour and fifteen minutes to get there so we had to leave at 11:30. The caller was John Kephart out of San Antonio. John's birthday was the other day so Kay and Bob bought cupcakes from Sam's Club (chocolate and vanilla). He did a super job of calling the dance. We had two squares and a couple of people sitting out. We had a great time.


Get a partner and dance

We were home by 4:30. I grilled pork chops for dinner and air fried wedge fries. After dinner we watched some YouTube videos. I played Fun House on the big pinball machine and entered my initials as #3 high score. 

I played a couple of games on the new mini pinball cabinet, Attack From Mars and Big Buck Hunter Pro. Larry watched to see how it worked. I had fun playing the games on the mini cabinet. When you are playing in VR everything is the same size as on the big cabinet. You can really feel the sound effects and the shaker motor works really well.


Attack From Mars


Big Buck Hunter Pro

Fun House


We watched a movie called Chaos Walking. It was 2021 science-fiction action-thriller film starring Tom Holland and Daisy Ridley. Then I watched The Matrix. I ended up doing 18,000 steps, which put me in 5th place in my group.

While watching television I worked on the Fairy diamond painting


Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Monday 1-27-25 C1 with Di Green, Pinball Project, Diamond Painting & Games


Beginning of a new week

We had a wonderful day. The low was 43 degrees and the high was 52 degrees. 

Larry started the day by working on the mini pinball cabinet. There was a problem and it would not stay running. He found the problem and fixed it, now it runs perfect. There are still a couple of things he wants to do but everything works and he can now play pinball on it in both 2D and VR. The cabinet came out great.


Front view of the mini pinball cabinet


Side view of the pinball cabinet

When I got up I made mini waffles for breakfast. After breakfast I got the living room ready for our Monday morning virtual square dance, which is Di Green and Terry McCain's C1 dance. Di calls five tips of 2 couples and 4 couples moves. Today there were 15 participants. Larry danced four tips with me. We had a super times dancing with friends and Di Green and Terry McCain.


The participants in the C1 dance


Di Green


Years ago Larry this sticker for the back window of the car


I did the Daily Challenges of Solitaire and Mahjong. The event was Event: World Tour Mini of 10 games. It took me 37 minutes and 46 seconds to complete, which put me in 15th place in my group. Then I played Angry Birds.

I worked out with my Wii Fit for a half hour, Gold's Gym for a half hour and the Synth Riders for a half hour. 


Working out


I played Monster Manor for a half hour in the Bounce Arcade. I played Monster Manor four times and got three bronze trophies. While playing Monster Manor I woke the manor, stunned the manor, midnight pumpkins, skeleton key and banister bust. I had fun. 


Monster Manor

 I played four games of pinball. I played the weekly challenge Red & Ted's Road Show and the other three were Monster Bash, Aerosmith and Goldeneye. My first high score for the week in Red and Ted's Road Show was 326,093,380. I played Monster Bash twice because the first games last two numbers of the score match. This means you get a free game. When I played Goldeneye I played four players by accident. I had a great afternoon playing pinball.






Monster Bash


Red & Ted's Road Show


I worked on my Fairy diamond painting. I hadn't worked on it for eight days.

In the evening we watched a movie on Freevee called Cloud Atlas. It was a three hour movie and follows how individual people lives can affect one another lives in the past, present and future. It was hard to follow because the actors and actresses played different roles in different eras. After Larry went to bed I watched two movies out of our movies collections. They were National Treasure: Book of Secrets and Murder on the Orient Express. I ended up doing 18,000 steps, which put me in 5th place in my group.



Monday, January 27, 2025

Sunday 1-26-25 Sundancers Plus Workshop, Pinball Cabinet & Games


Overcast Day

We had a dreary day. It was overcast and misted now and than. Larry woke up about 6:00 and it was 50 degrees. The temperature dropped to 40 degrees at 9:00. It stayed in the 40s all day and at 6:00 it was 50 degrees. We hung around the house.

Larry continued working on putting the mini pinball cabinet back together. He got it running but there is a problem and it crashes. Tomorrow he'll try to figure out the problem. 

I did the Daily Challenges in Solitaire and Mahjong. The event was Event: Two Game Tango of 20 games (10 Pyramid and 10 Tri Peaks). It took me 1 hour, 38 minutes and 25 seconds, which put me in 14th place in my group. Then I played Angry Birds.

I worked out on the Wii Fit for 45 minutes. I did Synth Riders for 30 minutes.


Working out

In Bounce Arcade I played Pirate's Plunder three times. The third game was the best I earned a silver trophy and fought my enemies three time and defeated them two times. This earned me two skulls flags. I played the game for 20 minutes.


Today's score in Pirate's Plunder

Today I started a new pinball weekly challenge, which is Red & Ted's Road Show. We already have the game. Tomorrow Larry will change the balls from five balls to three balls. Before last week's challenge of Tron was over I decided to play it. I didn't get a new high score but I came close. I came in 23rd place out of 72 participants. There were five of us playing Tron in VR. Usually I'm the only VR player. I played Attack From Mars and had fun.

Attack From Mars


In the evening we went to Sun City to attend the Sundancers' Weekly Plus Dance. At the moment the dance is really the completion of lessons for the plus class. Gary worked on Diamonds and different types of diamonds (left, right, facing diamonds), Flipped/Cut the diamond, Spin Chain the Gears and Spin Chain and Exchange the Gears. It was basically all teaching the moves but it was fun. We had three squares and a couple sitting out. Gary did a great job of teaching. We sat out a tip and I danced with Pete a couple of times. We have noticed that the new plus dancers are getting better, because of the Sundays dances the students are getting more floor time. Gary has been teaching them at the Monday night dance and Sunday night dances. The dance starts at 6:00 and ends at 7:45, which gets us home between 8:30 and 9:00.


Gary Bible teaching a move


Charlotte having a fun time dancing

Students waiting to dance to the new call

Dancing to Gary

Waiting to dance


When we got home I finished doing my 18,000 steps. This put me in fifth place in my group for the week with 126,394 steps. We watched the last episode of the fourth season of Elementary. When Larry went to bed I watched National Treasures from our movies collection.