Pictures From Jan-Jul 2023 - It's All About Having Fun!!

Friday, September 6, 2024

Wednesday 9-4-24 Journey to Yellowstone

I'm so excited


Why am I excited? Well, we're going to Yellowstone National Park. 

We started the day out at Island Lake Recreation Area in Wyoming and ended up at Carbella BLM campground in Montana (17 miles north of Gardiner). 

I got out of bed at 7:20 and made breakfast. It was in the 30's, the cab said 42 degrees but Larry took the trash out and there was ice on the dumpster. When we walked outside it didn't feel that cold.

After breakfast we put everything away. We decided it was time to try and fix the refrigerator. The problem was getting worse and Larry was having to restart it more often. He wanted to get somewhere with internet so he could find the part. We were on the road by 8:45.

Larry drove for a total of 98 miles. He took the Beartooth highway to Cooke City, Montana. It was a narrow two lane highway that went through a gorgeous mountain pass. We saw a lot of beautiful scenery. We stopped at Beartooth Raven Overlook. The sidewalk to the overview had grizzly bear tracks in it. We could hear the waterfall but didn't see it. The road was tight and curvy. We drove in and out of Wyoming and Montana. We drove through Cooke City and by a few National Forest Campgrounds. 

Beartooth Mountain Range


Bear prints at Beartooth Raven overlook


Cooke City

We entered Yellowstone National Park at the northeast entrance. There were no one manning the booth so we just entered. We have never entered Yellowstone at this entrance (we have exited). We drove from the northeast entrance to Mammoth. The drive was slow but we weren't in a hurry, we were in Yellowstone. As we drove we saw a lot of bison, a bald eagle at the river in Lamar Valley. I was surprised seeing all the Pronghorns, I don't remember seeing them the other times we were here. We tried to pull off the road but the pull offs were full. The drive was awesome. When we got to Mammoth it was lunchtime. We found a parking spot and I made sandwiches for lunch. Larry did a little research on the circuit board for the refrigerator. He couldn't get the board from Amazon until next week. He called a couple RV places and they could have the part late Friday or early Saturday He had one of the dealers order it. Now we have to find something to do for a couple of days. No problem.




Larry found an opening in Mammoth Campground in Yellowstone for Thursday and Friday night. This was surprising, when we decided to go through Yellowstone we thought the visit would be a drive thru, we didn't think there was any chance we would get a site even for a day. He also found a couple of places to stay for tonight. One was a National Forest Campground and the other was a BLM. They both were about 22 miles north of Yellowstone. We drove through the Forest campground and saw a few sites we could have. The road in the campground was dirt and had big potholes. We decided to drive a few miles down the road to Carbella BLM campground. The sites are off the river. The road was dusty but it's only for one night. The sites are level and bathroom is a vault toilet but very clean. The Yellowstone River flows behind the sites. You can stay at the campground for 14 nights and it's free. 

It's a great place to stay if you don't mine the dust. I only did 2,000 steps today because it was way too dusty.


Camping at Carbella BLM Campground


Yellowstone River

Tomorrow we go back into Yellowstone



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